
  在工程领域的工程实践知识 这一要点也主要阐述在日常工作中,辅助工程设计的一些知识,比如:尺寸测量, 建模,制作图纸,成本估算,项目管理, 交流沟通, 团队合作等等。 首先是综述,提出你想要阐述的知识点。比如我选了:

    tools andtechnologies used in daily work, communication, engineeringmanagement principles and economic decision making and team work. 有相关课程就罗列,没有就正式阐述, 比如:CommunicationBesides actual design working hours, most ofmy working times are spent on communicating with customers or internal functiondepartments include sales, purchasing, project managing, quality, industrialengineering and manufacturing. For a new project, customer is always the firstobject I communicate with, to clearly understand the customer’s needs. Then Ineed to communicate with internal related persons to deliver customerrequirements to them through different engineering output (like CAD data,drawings, bill of material, validation plan) and get their feedback to improvemy design. There are three main communication methods: mail, face to face meetingand conference call. Regular meeting is always recommended in product designand development stage, All related persons sit together regularly to checkproject status, discuss issues and look for solutions. About meeting, Oneimportant thing that many people may ignore is meeting minutes, meeting minutesshould be sent to all related members in time after meeting, content shouldinclude main discussing topics, actions, responsible persons and due date……. 最后总结……


  工程师的伦理道德及社会准则等 工程师的设计工作必须符合一定的了伦理道德及社会准则,这些伦理准则美国工程师协会有定义如下:

  • 1.Engineers shall holdparamount the safety, health and welfare of the public in theperformance of theirprofessional duties.
  • 2.Engineers shall performservices only in the areas of their competence; they shallbuildtheir professional reputation on the merit of their services and shall not competeunfairly with others.
  • 3.Engineers shall continuetheir professional development throughout their careersandshall provide opportunities for the professional and ethical development of thoseengineers under their supervision.
  • 4.Engineers shall respect theproprietary information and intellectual property rightsofothers, including charitable organizations and professional societies in the engineeringfield.
  • 5.Engineers shall considerenvironmental impact and sustainable development intheperformance of their professional duties.
  • 1. Engineer’sSocial Responsibility a: Lawfulnessand dedication: follow laws and regulations, protect public safety and improveall citizens’ well beingb: Respectnature: maintain the ecological balance, cherish natural resources and preservecultural heritage
  • 2. Engineer’s Professional Responsibilitya: Devotion:apply professional knowledge and skills, maintain professional discipline andenforce engineering practicesb: Innovationand perfection: absorb advanced technology knowledge, commit to perfection andimprove product quality
  • 3. Engineer’sEmployer Responsibilitya: Servesincerely: contribute talents and wisdom, provide the best service and achievegoals at workb: Mutualtrust and benefit: establish mutual trust, foster win-win consensus andaccomplish engineering goals4. Engineer’s Colleague Responsibilitya: Cooperationand collaboration: collaborate professionally, emphasize cooperation andcoordination and improve operational efficiencyb: Heritagecontinuation and future inspiration: Engage in self and mutual encouragement,inherit technological know-how and experience from predecessors and develop newtalents
    * Respectnature: maintain the ecological balance, cherish natural resources and preservecultural heritageWhen I choose theraw material of components, environmental conservation property of materials isalways considered in a high priority. I never choose plastic material which containheavy metal (like lead, cadmium, mercury…) or halogen-flame retardant (likePBB, PBDE…). Besides, whether hazardous substance may generate or not duringproduct manufacturing process is also involved in decision making when I choosesome standard components like screw or nut from market. 最后总结…..


  对本学科知识的深入研究与学习 对于工程师来说,持续学习与专业相关的最新知识并对某方面的知识进行深入的研究是至关重要的,这一要点就是考察的工程师在这方面的知识。 关于这一点,可以讲一讲有哪些最新的技术是实际运用在你的工作中的,你对这些知识有怎样的理解。 对于深入学习这块,如果你有什么专利,可以讲一讲,没有的话也讲一讲你对某个课题做过怎样深入的研究等等,所谓的深入研究并不是指要学术研究,可以是在解决问题的过程中对问题做的比较全面的分析这样。 最后总结…….

  好了,八个要点讲完了,这样你的IPENZ KA02应该已经完成大部分了,接下来就是案例的写作了。 案例总共给了你四个案例的空白,可以只写3个,也可以4个全写。



  案例的第三部分是项目中遇到的挑战和你是如何解决的,讲两三个你在项目中遇到的难点,难点是什么,你是如何具体解决的........... 关于案例写作,我就这样简单的讲一讲,毕竟相对于八个要点,案例简单多了。

  下面讲讲证明文件的问题。IPENZ KA02的评估是要求有证明文件的,这些证明文件上要有你的名字,文件可以是图纸,技术分析报告,照片,专利文件等等。如果你是采用的第一种写法,这些例子最好是案例写作中项目的文件。如何标注证明文件?我看到的有两种方式:第一种所有的证明文件单独成册,编页码。在八个要点写作的时候,在段落中标注[1][2][3]这样,然后在最右边的一栏中写明[1]是哪一页,[2]是哪一页等等。另一种方式是第二种写作方式中看到的,每个要点中案例写完后,就直接把证明文件放在后面,不单独列出来。各位选择自己喜欢的方式。 KA02总体的字数可以控制在1.5万到2万之间,我也在微信群里看到有小伙伴说只写了六千多字也过了,大家自己斟酌吧。我写了1万五左右。

  关于一些理论的说明解释,到哪里去找?维基百科啊,注意不要照着抄,一定要改写。 好了,关于IPENZ KA02的写作,目前就讲这么多。


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