
  根据新西兰劳工部提供的数据,在2010~2011年度,一共有2666人被批予Work to Residence Visa,而年度获批的主申请人总人数8931人,这说明总共有11597人是获得了PR或WTR。在PR获批的8931人中,有90%是持有工作担保的,最终可以确定3559人无工作担保提交了技术移民申请,拿到PR的则是893人,经过计算,在不考虑拒签人数的情况下(劳工部未提供拒签人数),在所有无工作担保申请人里面,只有25%的人可以获得PR;而总申请人(持有或未持有job offer)当中,其成功率为7%





  PS: 以上Work to Residence Visa数据可能还包括在艺术,文化,体育领域的特殊人才申请到的此签证,但多数均为申请SMC而被给予此签证。


  申请新西兰技术移民,在新西兰境内申请成功率远远高于在海外申请;持有job offer申请成功率远远高于无job offer申请,但无job offer在中国境内向移民局提交申请,也并非传言中的一定就会失败,只是有高达74%的机率会被给予WTR,仍然有26%的机会获得PR。以上的分析与数据说明,在海外直接申请绿卡,新西兰完全不同于澳大利亚与加拿大的技术移民申请,即使EOI顺利入选,海外申请新西兰绿卡的成功率依然整体上偏低,如果您能符合加拿大或澳大利亚的技术移民要求并且打算直接在海外申请绿卡,显然更适合申请澳加的技术移民,更具有确定性。




  6.1 Introduction

  Although New Zealand's economy has been affected by the global economic recession, skilled migrants are still an important part of New Zealand's overall development. Labour shortages remain, particularly in some skilled areas. New Zealand firms continue to report that skilled labour is becoming increasingly difficult to find and could constrain growth. New Zealand needs skilled migrants to contribute to productivity, skills acquisition, diversity, and growth in a range of industries.

  In 2010/11, 23,145 people (57 percent of residence approvals through the New Zealand Residence Programme) were approved for residence through the Skilled/Business Stream. Of these people, 21,212 (92 percent) were approved through the Skilled Migrant Category (SMC), 1,432 (6 percent) through the Residence from Work Category, and 487 (2 percent) through the Business Immigration Policy.

  This chapter provides a high-level analysis of residence approvals through the Skilled/Business Stream in 2010/11.

  6.2.1   Source country of Skilled Migrant Category approvals

  In 2010/11, 21,212 people were approved for residence through the SMC. SMC approvals accounted for 52 percent of all residence approvals in 2010/11, down from 58 percent in 2009/10.

  Although people from 110 different source countries were approved in 2010/11, 71 percent were from just six countries. Figure 6.2 shows that the United Kingdom remains the largest source country of skilled migrants (17 percent) with India the second largest (13 percent). The proportion from the United Kingdom has been declining in recent years whilst India has shown consistent growth in the last 3 years.

  6.2.3   Points claimed by Skilled Migrant Category principal applicants

  In total, 8,931 SMC principal applicants (90 percent) were awarded points for a job or job offer in New Zealand (78 percent for their current employment and 12 percent for an offer of skilled employment). This proportion is higher than the 81 percent who were awarded points for a job or job offer in New Zealand in 2009/10.

  In 2010/11, 8,372 principal applicants (85 percent) were approved onshore. Of the onshore applicants, 97 percent had a job offer or current skilled employment in New Zealand. The remaining 1,531 principal applicants were approved offshore (15 percent), and 52 percent had a job offer or current skilled employment in New Zealand.

  Most principal applicants (70 percent) gained points in 2010/11 for relevant work experience. Almost half (47 percent) gained bonus points for New Zealand work experience in 2010/11. Sixteen percent gained additional bonus points for work experience in an identified growth area or an area of absolute skills shortage.

  Of the top six source countries of principal skilled migrants, Fiji had the highest proportion of principal applicants with a job or job offer (98 percent) and the United Kingdom had the lowest (85 percent). South Africa had the highest proportion of principal applicants with relevant work experience (94 percent) and China had the lowest (31 percent) (see Figure 6.5). Migrants from China and India are less likely to have work experience because they tend to be younger (on average) and most transition to residence via study rather than from a work visa.

  转载请注明来源于Jack Liu博客,本文地址://www.jack-liu.com/post-148.html

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