shirleypie19 Mar 2015 Canada总结得很好很到位啊,虽然我在加拿大,当中申请的经历有所不同,但心境和那种放弃国内一切的做法很是相似。赞你这句话:“当你在异国他乡看到别人需要帮助的时候,如果可以,请尽量帮对方一把。因为,对你而言可能只是举手之劳,但对于一个在困境中挣扎的人来说,你伸出的手,说不定会成为他的支柱。”加拿大人很喜欢当义工帮助其他人,所以当一个人得到他人帮助成功后会说:send the elevator back down for others, and do the same when stable. 回复
kiwi的猪31 Mar 2014 China老K,请问当时你做 Certified Copy of The Original,是找什么人做的呢?’Tips'上面说的是:“Copies may be certified by Notary Publics (called Justices of the Peace in New Zealand) Lawyers or Solicitors”,但是我去上海东方公证处,他们说不好做这种“复印件是原件的复印件”的事情。想问问过来人是怎么处理的?
2楼K作者L4(08 Apr 2014, New Zealand)请问当时你做 Certified Copy of The Original,是找什么人做的呢?
- The public notary office in my city. A certified (notarised) copy has included the translation script. You don't have to do that yourself. You just need to submit the original documents and they will do the copy and translation for you.@TA
kiwi的猪30 Mar 2014 China老K,看了你的博客,觉得很好。我也在申请PR,找到大量中文的证明材料,如果让公证处翻译,估计太多了,也没那么多钱啊。请问有什么方法吗?自己翻译,官方的文档又说不让
2楼K作者L4(31 Mar 2014, New Zealand)请问有什么方法吗?
- Personally I recommend you have all important documents notarised. Here "important documents" means the direct evidence to the support points you have claimed. As per others, having them translated could be an economical solution.@TA
3楼kiwi的猪(31 Mar 2014, China)我能不能自己翻译,然后找个公司抬头的纸打印出来,这样省一笔钱?@TA
6楼K作者L4(08 Apr 2014, New Zealand)在证明与配偶的关系时候 ,要求提供一些辅助材料如互相通话的电话记录,银行间的转账记录,一起旅游的车船票,景点门票,还有寄给我们的快递单据,超市购物小票什么的,都需要翻译么?这个太杂了,怎么翻译啊?
- In theory, all documents you submit must be either notarised or translated. I can't tell you how to have them translated, but I don't think you have to submit so many files to prove the genuineness and stability either. Monthly statements with mutual residential address (such as credit cards, mobile phone and utility) are very strong evidence. If you can find some of them, just have them translated and submitted to INZ.@TA
kiwi的猪31 Mar 2014 China我能不能自己翻译,然后找个公司抬头的纸打印出来,这样省一笔钱? 回复
skyloving16 Feb 2014 China老K,请问你博文中的这个名单是自己随机列的,还是根据移民局ITA时发的Check list列的?谢谢。
2楼K作者L4(05 Mar 2014, New Zealand)老K,请问你博文中的这个名单是自己随机列的,还是根据移民局ITA时发的Check list列的?
- What list?@TA
3楼skyloving(28 Mar 2014, China)就是ITA时候提交的那个很详细的文件的列表。包括公证书,翻译文件,学历证书什么的。移民局发邀请函的时候不是有个Checklist么?但也说要附一个personalized checklist。 请问你这个表是不是就是personalized checklist?@TA
4楼K作者L4(31 Mar 2014, New Zealand)移民局发邀请函的时候不是有个Checklist么?但也说要附一个personalized checklist。 请问你这个表是不是就是personalized checklist?
- You may (but not a must) to attach a personalised checklist in addition to the official one if it can better help you and others to categorise the files.@TA
tiger05 Mar 2014 China请问如果在被选中但由于打分不对被退回到EOI池子里面的话,更新信息后再提交还需要交一次钱么? 回复
barry24 Feb 2014 China你好k生!
2楼Eric(24 Feb 2014, China)254525204, K就在这个群里,欢迎进来交流!!@TA
3楼K作者L4(05 Mar 2014, New Zealand)请问你是怎样联系到离岸面试的机会的?现在你的工作怎样了?
- Hi. I applied for those roles by submitting my cover letter and CV to recruiters (employers & agents), in spite of a low possibility of success. Currently I'm fine here. Many thanks.@TA
非常感谢。Follow up! 回复 回复
跪求达人赐教,谢谢。 回复
请问你是怎样联系到离岸面试的机会的?现在你的工作怎样了?祝顺利! 回复