Jack Liu博客

--- 关注技术移民政策动向,探讨华人移民热点问题

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zhangxuanwen   16 Apr 2018  China
 浏览 3967  回答 2
zhangxuanwen题主 16 Apr 2018 China
Jack LiuL9 17 Apr 2018 Intranet
要看你现在是拿的什么签, JSV还是section 49(1)受限的RV, 参考下面

Skilled Migrant Category - Removal of Section 49(1) conditions

If your resident visa was granted under the Skilled Migrant Category and you have had section 49(1) conditions imposed on this visa, you will need to meet the requirements stated when your resident visa was approved, before you can apply to have this section removed.

To remove Section 49(1) conditions, you will need to provide the following:

- Valid passports for all applicants

- A letter from the main applicant's employer, printed on letterhead paper:
  This letter should confirm your position and that you have been in full-time employment for three months or more. The letterhead must contain the contact details of the company, and be dated and signed by a person authorised to confirm the status of your employment.

-Copies of two recent payslips and a recent bank statement confirming your employment, or an Inland Revenue Department (IRD) summary of earnings (which can be obtained directly from the IRD – visit www.ird.govt.nz for contact details).

- A cover letter requesting the removal of section 49(1) conditions. This letter must also include all your contact details.

All the above information must be sent to your nearest Immigration Office. You can find their addresses here:

If further information is required, your Immigration Officer will contact you directly.

There is no fee charged for S49(1) removal.
compatriotL3 26 Dec 2018 New Zealand
Jack您好,我的RV的AIP信中写到我需要subject to Section 49(1), 然后正式RV的批准信里却没有提,在移民局网站上Visa的condition里也只有travel的条款,没有section 49(1),那么我需要申请remove吗?

